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How Did We Get Here?

The DownTown Visalia Certified Farmers Market is all new, and we want you to know what that means.

The DownTown District of the City of Visalia is no newcomer to the Certified Farmers Market Scene.  But the truth is that due to declining attendance by both shoppers as well as vendors, the Visalia Farmers Market Association made the decision to shut the beloved Community Event down after nearly 40 years of operation following a dismal 2018 market season that ended early due to low attendance.


  While the vendors loved the atmosphere of The Downtown Farmers Market, the association couldn’t continue to justify the financial losses, the association said.


“Sadly, we are finally at a point where we cannot continue to financially back a community event that isn’t bringing in enough income to cover the basic costs,” the association said. 

Where there is a will, there is a way

Enter long time VFMA member (and even longer time lover of DownTown Visalia) April Treona Lancaster, CEO of Lancaster Creations LLC.  April is the owner operator of the Organic Apothecary & Communitique which is located within the original market location on Church Street just south of Main.


April spent many years employed by various businesses within the

Historic DownTown District of the City of Visalia.


April's previous DTV employers include some long gone beloved Favorites like; Togni Branch Stationers, Bothof's Bakery, Beverly Fabrics & BrewBakers Brewing Company.


April was devastated when the inevitable announcement was made that the market would be closed, and actively campaigned the Board of Directors of the VFMA to reconsider the closure.  When it became clearly apparent that the VFMA had no interest in reopening the DownTown market, April asked for permission from the Board of Directors to spear head its return on her own.


With the blessing of the Board of Directors of the VFMA, the all new DTV-CFM came to fruition on our official opening day, September 23, 2021.


We have faced some challenges getting the word out that the market is revived, but we are bound and determined to breathe life back into this loved community event, and we are simply not going to take no for an answer.


The DownTown Visalia Farmers Market is the flickering flame that remains of the spirit of DownTown Visalia, and I have every confidence that with the proper tending, that spirit can be revived.


It begins at Church x Main.

Our Market Fam

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105 S. Church Street

Visalia, Calif. 93292

©2021 by:

DownTown Visalia Certified Farmers Market


& Counter Culture Cultivation

both divisions of Lancaster Creations LLC

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